Kerensa Emma Care

End of Life Care

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How I can help you...

A family bereavement showed me many of the stresses and problems caused by end of life issues.

I realised that my particular skill set allowed me to help family and friends in a way which wasn’t really being catered for. I am able to offer kindness and support with dignity to those facing similar issues.

Care Options

Almost everyone finds round the clock care exhausting. I’m a trustworthy and knowledgeable companion who can be left with your loved one while you deal with any of the million other jobs, tasks or chores which need to be done on a daily basis

Morning Visits

Visits can be arranged to assist with morning routine or to cover breakfast and the period up to lunch.

Afternoon Visits

Visits can be arranged to assist with lunchtime routine or to provide support in  the afternoon

Evening Visits

Visits can be arranged to assist with evening meals or bedtime routine.

Overnight Respite Cover

Many carers feel uncomfortable taking time away from their charge. The truth is that you need to recharge your batteries to provide the best possible care for your dependant. I can share some of the load by allowing you the chance to spend a night away.

Silent Counselling

Practisioners believe that Silent Counselling enables you to release negative emotions without the need to talk about past events.

Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are thought to help balance emotional state and are commonly recommended by practitioners for psychological problems and pain.

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Important note

The Services I offer are support and guidance, at no point do they (or should they) replace the professional medical care which will be offered to you from your own GP, midwife or consultant.

The support the service I am providing is a supportive empowering role not as a health care professional.

How to contact me

Please don't hesitate to contact me for further information, I can offer a free 15minute telephone appointment if you would like to see if I am the correct fit for you..

Phone : 0797 3149737

Email :